Wing Trimming
Clipping your bird’s wings will prevent them from flying away

Clipping flight feathers can be a good start to taming a bird. In addition to being a great way to aid in training, wing trimming ensures your pet wont fly away from your loving home.

It is important to note that many things can go wrong when clipping a bird's wings if you are inexperienced. Issues like clipping too many feathers (which can lead to your bird later falling to it's death), clipping blood feathers and stress are all major concerns. It is better to leave wing clipping to a professional than to try to do it yourself without being shown how.

KCC has experience working with both large and small birds. Whether your pet is as small as a Budgie or as large as a macaw, we have the experience to get the job done safely and with minimal stress to your bird.

If you have any questions about wing trimming, please contact us

Kat works with birds of all breeds and sizes
Clipped wings will look neat and tidy
Your Parrot will be excited to see Kat